Category: Apparel & Fashion -> Knitting products
Country: Poland
 Rajstopy damskie z przędzy Dorlastan o grubości 20 den, relaksujące, stopniowy ucisk, który ułatwia prawidłowe krążenie, zapobiegające zmęczeniu, półmatowe, z częścią majtkowa o średnim ucisku .[...]  Details...  próba testowa-opis produktów w przygotowaniu, próba testowa - opis produktu i dane dot. cen w przgotowaniu[...] Details...  Dzianina 100% len stabilizowana.Gramatura ok.200 g/m2.[...] Details...   We offer dyed and finished knitted fabrics.
Weave types:
» single Jersey
» welt knitted fabrics
» rib1×1, 2×2 and others
» interlock
» lacosta (pique)
» lining fabrics (fleece)
and others according to client’s order.
» 100% cotton
» 100% viscose
» 100% bamboo
» mixtures:
- with polyester
- with lycra
- with polyamide
- with classic, modal and micromodal viscose
We offer a wide range (over 1000) of[...] Details...   That kind of tambled high pile fabric is commonly used as a warm-up in production of artificial hides, caps and as a garment accessory. The product is manufactured in a few colors: standard ecru, white, black, grey, navy blue, light blue, pink, beige, claret. We offer it in two weights: 380 and 320 g/m² and two widths: 150 and 180 cm.
The quality and competitive prices of our goods has been already appreciated by the largest polish cap manufacturers.[...] Details...   Full processing from our own material as well as from the given knitwear by the client.
Moreover, we also produce computer embroidery. [...] Details...   One sided loop frotte - knitted fabrics with reduced loop (superfine)
Raw material: cotton 82% and polyester 18%. This fabric is recommended for children’s and babies’ wear, as well as sheets and blankets. We offer it in 40 colours and also printed.
width 195
yield 4.5
fabric weight 110[...] Details...   Napped frotte [NIKA,VELOUR] - bleached and dyed knitted fabric
Raw material: cotton 82% and polyester 18%
width 150-180
yield 2.2-2.5
fabric weight 220-250[...] Details...